Everyone's life ends eventually, but as a society we are very squeamish talking about death. Sadly, the current situation in the UK is that a peaceful death is something you have to opt-in to. We all have a responsibility (as patients, relatives, sons, daughters, health care professionals, carers, grandsons, granddaughters...) to make sure that nobody we treat, know, or care for is left without the protection of a Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNACPR form, previously known as DNAR) when attempts to restart a heart that has stopped would be unwanted, inappropriate or futile.
Without that protection, if any emergency services or ward staff are involved, then it's very likely that CPR will be started, even if there is no hope of benefit. CPR is not a treatment for Ordinary Dying.
This page will eventually contain links and resources for both HCPs and families who need to #HaveTheConversation.
Visit the Planning For The End of Life (or health catastrophe) page for a guide to the alphabet soup of acronyms relevant to anticipatory care planning: DNACPR, ADRT, TEP, ReSPECT and more.
NB: this is a personal website, not subject to the Welsh Language Act (and I no longer work in Wales!) but I do try to provide any patient-facing resources in Welsh as well as English, although there may be a delay whilst I persuade friends to translate!
A new-for-2021 version of the "Peaceful Death" poster, amended following feedback on Twitter, which now mentions REeSPECT forms, Power of Attorney and ADRTs. Click on thumbnails to download PDF version.
#IWantAPeacefulDeath Poster
Infographic with useful phrases to think about DNACPR discussions. Intended for healthcare professionals, but may be of interest to families.
Click on thumbnails to download PDF version.

The Kitten (and puppy!) memes
Please help yourself to these images for presentations (the photos are all courtesy of Pixabay.com). Full-resolution PDF here, which includes 4 extra designs that use abbreviations ("ADRT"/"PoA")

"Peaceful Death" poster (original 2018 version)
for the public, in English and Welsh.
Click on thumbnails to download PDF version.