Celebrating the art of complexity
in medicine
Thanks for visiting! I am a UK-based Consultant Emergency Physician, who returned to England in 2020 after 15 years working in North Wales. I am also a GP, and have an interest in acute community frailty: I work in a community-based Urgent Community Response (UCR) team in the West Midlands, but still do a day a week in Emergency Medicine.
This is my personal website: it is not affiliated with my NHS employer (although I occasionally use it to disseminate #FOAMed resources prepared in the course of my duties) . It has been created primarily to enable my #FOAMed resources to be easily downloaded, but you will also find:
Public/patient-facing resources regarding end of life planning/anticipatory care in the #HaveTheConversation section
A fairly rarely used blog (I do most of my thought-sharing in Twitter - follow @DrLindaDykes)
Since March 2020 I have also hosted a page on NHS staff wellbeing during the COVID-19 outbreak
Contact via Twitter - @DrLindaDykes
EMAIL - info@lindadykes.org
© 2018-2024 by Dr Linda Dykes - last updated 6th Sept 2024